I checked out a book from my school library about Annie Liebovitz. The library has a huge section for photo literature. I have literally spent days there just studying photographers and photography. Some of my most inspiring moments have been in my school library. I can almost say that I "can snatch the pebble from the hand" because of the great amount of photo research I have done there.
My advice for any photographer of any skill: Study every image and photographer you can get your hands on. Study every style and their approach.
I was reading a book put together by Annie Liebovitz. She is a famous photographer that was the cover photographer for Rolling Stone Magazine and the Rolling Stones in the 70s. She is a master of relaxed portraits. This line in her book was real inspiring for me, so I decided to share.
"My pictures are helped by an enviroment. I love the street. I love
going into someone's house seeing what is on their walls, what chair
they sit in. I like to see how they live. When I shot Bill Gates at
his home in Bellevue, Washington, everytime we set up lights between shots he would dissapear and I'd find him sitting at his computer. It was all he did. This was before computers were omnipresent. I was bewildered, and I thought that I would never want to have one. Then I realized that that was the picture."
Annie Liebovitz Gallery