Friday, November 30, 2007

HEY! Wait a Second....

A few months ago,I took time out of my jammed packed schedule on a Saturday to take this AWESOME PHOTO for my other job that pays the bills, and all they did was say 'hey thanks' and patted me on the back. I woke up extra early ON A WEEKEND and put a lot of effort into timing this sucker because I knew it was an important image for this company. I didn't get 'no money, no honey, no credit!'

I believe this was the last pro bono job I did besides Para Los Ninos. There has been a theme that has popped up several times this week for me:
No matter how talented you are (in any field), cheap or free labor will always be treated and appreciated as cheap or free labor.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I was browsing one of my favorite photography websites/ magazines, JPG, and I ran across this photographer, Trey Hill. He had some cool wedding & landscape photographs that tickled my fancy.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Huntington Library

Went to The Huntington Library about a week ago with Erica to attend a horticulturist seminar. Afterwords, we only had time to walk just the desert garden. If you know Erica, we didn't get very far. She knows the names of almost all the specimens, and, well, there are a lot. So many plants, so little time.

Neptune really isn't packing much these days.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Movember

One of my friends was telling me that Australians grow moustaches in November. As a joke, they call it MOvember. Due to my International Superstardom, I grew a moustache to improve my cultural relations. I couldn't get myself to just have a straight-up moustache, so I kept a short beard for training wheels.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sheryl Longobardo & Rick Lee Wedding

The Actual Joey Himself finally got to shoot a wedding all by, well, himself.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Holidays

I had to make a seasonal card for my studio photo class. I was going to shoot something with a wreath and candles. But my girlfriend said that my idea was lame and not creative enough. So we decided to paint her garage wall orange (one of my favorite colors), and everything after that would be better than what I originally planned.

This image is the final product.

Erica showing off her creative skills.

Behind the scenes.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Joseph Colombo, COME ON DOWN!!

My boss took the staff for an office field trip to The Price is Right. They called my boss to "Come On Down!" Due to the fact that my boss never calls in sick, he hasn't really ever watched the show. So he never got out of the bidding area. His consolation prize was $350 in a years supply of coffee.

Drew Carey is now hosting the show and ads some life into the atmosphere. But since the place and games are pretty much the same as when the show started one hundred years ago, the studio smells like an old dusty closet, with an intense air conditioner.

I was able to walk away with a classic piece of Americana, the name tag.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November First, 2007. Day of the Dead

Haitian Voodoo Ceremony in New Orleans for Day of the Dead.