So I have neglected my motorcycle since I bought my mini late last year. Then my insurance expired...so I didn't bother to renew it since I wasn't riding. Last weekend, my cousin ricky said that summer went by fast and the end is coming. So I paid my motorcycle insurance and tomorrow I am on Southern California Desert Del Taco Tour. Just me, my motorcycle, a tent, and a camera. No stupid airport to hold me back this time! (I didn't make it to Tennessee and I was too embarassed to blog it...)
I will be going to Joshua Tree National Park, and gonna try and take some night shots of the desert. Then to the Del Taco in Barstow, old highway 58 from Barstow to Bakersfield (which is the picture above), and end the tour at The Pantry in downtown LA. It's one of my traditions to end my road trips there. What better way to end a solo trip at the counter in a classic diner that is open 24 hours a day.
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