Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Second Shooter for Joe Photo

My extremely talented friend, Joe Photo, let me tag along with him as a second shooter/assistant at his wedding for Alysha last week. With all joking aside, he introduced me as "The Actual Joey Himself" to all the event planners. We kept a very professional poker face, and then laughed when they walked away. I just got my memory cards back on sunday and I have not really had a chance to look at all my images. So here are a few images that I liked. It seems everytime I shoot more than 1500 images, I need to clear out all the old images I shot the week before.


michael said...

The last photo of Alysha has got some pretty nice attitude. I like it.

The Actual Joey Himself said...

You should have heard her when I accidentally stepped on her toes when she was getting ready...

Anonymous said...

Dude, Congrats on the blog! You are hilarious and it was a blast shooting with you. Cheers! - The Actual Joe Photo