Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I went to a funeral today.

You don't know what you got, until it's gone.
-French Proverb.

I believe funerals are made not only for closure, but for friends and family to get together and spend some quality time with everyone. Sometimes we forget about family and friends that are "too busy working" and it is unfortunate that we do not get to spend time with loved ones as much as we should.

There was actually two funerals this week for me, but I was "too busy working" to attend both. I missed out on seeing a lot of my family that I probably haven't seen in over a year.

Erica always says everything happens for a reason. The lesson I learned this week was never under estimate the importance of your family because one day, they won't be there.

The other thing I learned was that when I die, I want to have a New Orleans funeral march. And if I have to plan your funeral, that's what you are going to get.

1 comment:

Lacey Lichi said...

I attended a funeral this last week as well and whole heartedly agree. It was so nice to see family. I don't really want a funeral. Just a party. And no black. And no fancy coffin hoo-haw. Hopefully, I will be old and fat and my kids will be ready to bury me! The funeral we went to was for a grandpa that had led a fabulous long life, it was time. Hopefully, I won't have to go to anymore for a LONG time but it was a great excuse to have everyone together. We really should do it on happier occasions.