On Labor Day weekend, I rode out to Joshua Tree National Park on my motorcycle, which I have never done before. I thought it was supposed to be hot, but it rained off and on, and it was overcast and a cool 75 degrees. The rain made the soft dirt roads hard enough to ride my bike on. So I rode WAY into the heart of the desert to places motorcycle bandits shouldn't go. I think the rains and cool weather brought out all kinds of wild life. On the trail, I saw some strange rain measuring funnels. They seemed out of place, and NEEDED to be checked out.
A rattle snake saw me as I walked near it, and rattled at me. I hate snakes. And I immediately yelled, "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD" over and over, jumped straight backwards and started looking for snakes everywhere else, as if they would suddenly be under every bush or come out from their ground holes. Needless to say, I was freaked out, and I was paranoid all day. My brother said I probably have a phobia of snakes.
After I gained control over my wild imagination, I slowly went back to check out the rattler to try and take a picture. I found it, and after watching it for a minute, I was too scared and stayed only on the trail.

I am waiting for a code to install photoshop on my new computer. So I won't be editing any images until then.
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