Friday, February 22, 2008

Look Out Education Institutions! I Am Out With a Vengence!

I have done more dyslexia research. I found a BBC Health Blog that I can relate to.

When Willard Wigan, who has dyslexia, started school in 1962, he wasn't exactly blessed with forward-thinking teachers. He was considered illiterate by them, and his work was described as "disgusting" to the other children in the class.
"I was programmed to believe that everything I did was no good", he says, "and I believed that". As a result, Willard used to truant from school. He spent a lot of time in the woods, and started to build tiny props for insects. He then moved on to carving.
"I did little sculptures of the teachers. They made me feel small, so I wanted to make them look small in my child's mind."
"Now I'm being appreciated, accepted, recognised - not for being dyslexic, but for who I am as a person, and for my skills. What was done to me, being made to feel small, has made me greater."

I would imagine most people with dyslexia would feel this way about the educational institution because I really related with this guy. The educational world tailors to 90% left brain learners and so most of my teachers were unsympathetic towards my inablility to keep up with my appropriate reading level with the other students. They only said just read more and you will get better. The problem was that I never got better. I always felt like the runt in all of my classes, copying assignments just to keep up with the work. I was enrolled in several reading development classes from independent places like Sylvan Learning Center and summer school programs, and not once did anyone consider the idea that some of these other students might be dyslexic. These educational frustrations have scarred my growing mind to held me back from a fair chance to learn and grow like the rest of the students. My former dad (who I have grown to hate) always made me feel small because I was always behind in my reading level. I was always held down from my creative and hands on proccess a right brainer needs to have in order to learn properly. I need that creative side to properly function, and I was never allowed it from school and from my dad. He always said stupid things like "You can't do learn a new instrument until you get better grades." How was I to know I even had a creative side? I wasn't allowed the chance to experiment. And as soon as my former dad left, me and my brother bought and played more instruments than we had space for in our house. (My brother threw away his bed for extra drum space, and I eventually sold almost all of my guitars to buy all my camera equipment)

So I am laying the burden of all my frustrations on my former dad and all education institutions for holding me down from discovering the fact that I have dyslexia and not finding out that I could grow from my unique talents. I am taking this issue in my own hands to try to overcome this dyslexia and maximize my ultra visual talents.

I find it ironic that teachers say they do not get paid enough, especially coming from the teachers that are tenured! They are mass baby sitters and there aren't very many that have a passion for their job. Most teachers chose teachering as a career because it was their fallback job for money. Money? What teacher goes into teaching for money? That is what law is for! I am a product of the education system proving that it is a joke. The No Child Left Behind Act should scare and filter out the these unproductive educators! Remember that one teacher that you really looked up to? Every teacher should be inspiring like that!

If you know me, these are my old philosophies that I have about the education system. I did not fail school, school failed me.

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