Thursday, February 21, 2008

Random Delivery

In a blog full of random comments and stories, I have one more to add to the list.
My boss asks me to deliver a package to one of our favorite clients, (and comedian) Adam Christing. I didn't expect to see Adam because he is one of those guys who has all kinds of projects going on at the same time. So I walk in his office and I was suprised to see him. I said, "Look, whatever this package is, it must be really important because my boss sent the best man in the office to hand deliver it."
"Yea, sure, whatever... COURIER!"

I told him I stole one of his jokes and use it all the time. Adam immediately stopped what he was doing (which was probably nothing), and said "LET ME HEAR THE DELIVERY?!"
So the joke is set up when you see someone wearing a lot of jewelry, you say,
"Is that a Mr. T starter set?"
So after that, I joked around with a professional comedian for fifteen minutes. I was able to say all the stupid things I normally say, but this time I didn't get in trouble! We even talked about how awesome Orange House Take-Out is.

Then Adam gives me these fake lotto scratchers. You win "$10,000," but good luck getting the money! HAHA So I give one to my boss and walk away. I have a hard time keeping a straight face. So I hear him in his office saying, "I WON I WON! I got to go to the gas station to GET MY MONEY!" I see my boss the next day and ask where's all his money. He said the guy at the gas station wouldn't cash it. HAHA SUCKER!

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